Azerbaijan Religion: The History of Religions in the Territory

Azerbaijan religion

Before talking about the Azerbaijan religion, it is necessary to say that Azerbaijan is a historically tolerant state. Historically, representatives of different peoples belonging to different religions and cultures have lived in peace with each other in the territory of Azerbaijan. Tolerance is a rich wealth of the Azerbaijani people, which, despite the existence of different concepts in religion, language, culture, customs, and other areas, representatives of different nations can live in prosperity in the country for centuries.

Formation of religions in Azerbaijan

Due to the strategic location of Azerbaijan, it has historically been influenced by different countries and cultures, which has resulted in the formation and evolution of different religions in different periods in the country. At various times in the history of Azerbaijan, paganism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity, and Islam were accepted as the main religions by the population.

Spread of Paganism in Azerbaijan

The first religion to spread in Azerbaijan is considered to be paganism. The spread of this religion in the country has its roots in ancient history. Idolatry was often represented as a synthesis, that is, beliefs differed little from each other, were influenced by each other, complemented each other, and participated in the formation of the system of moral values ​​of the people of the region. In the territory of ancient Azerbaijan, the worship of the spirits of dead ancestors, rocks and trees (beech, oak, etc.), various natural phenomena, and celestial bodies was strong. The oak tree, also known as “Tanri khan”, was also worshiped, and horses were sacrificed.

During this period of paganism, people’s belief in certain beliefs, especially fire, water, trees, and celestial bodies, became stronger. Although thousands of years have passed, the signs of this belief have also influenced the way people live today.

Spread of Zoroastrianism in Azerbaijan

Zoroastrianism is historically believed to have originated in Azerbaijan and spread to other areas. Fire-worship is generally considered to be the same as Zoroastrianism, but Zoroastrianism emerged as an independent religion, albeit from within Fire-worship. However, both beliefs emerged as independent spheres of religion, and their emergence is directly related to the territories and people of Azerbaijan. Fire played an important role in Zoroastrianism, and therefore Zoroastrians are often considered fire-worshipers. Zoroastrians did not bury the bodies of the dead because they considered them unclean but kept them in special places in the mountains for birds to eat. Only then were the cleaned bones collected and buried. Before Zoroastrianism, there were different religions and beliefs in the world, but all of them were local and could not cross the borders of the region. Zoroastrianism, the state religion of the three great empires, not only transcended the boundaries of the concept of the local religion but for the first time in the ancient world created a perfect set of principles of religion, worldview, morality, life, and spirituality.

Spread of Judaism religion in Azerbaijan

 One of the peoples living in the territory of Azerbaijan for thousands of years is the Jews. The history of Jewish settlements in Azerbaijan dates back to 2600 years ago. Before the Jews came to Azerbaijan, there were different religions and beliefs in these areas, but none of them came from abroad and was formed here. From this point of view, Judaism is considered to be the first religion to come to Azerbaijan from abroad. The mountain Jews, considered to be the oldest Jewish community in Azerbaijan, are descendants of ancient Jewish tribes who fled their homeland as a result of the demolition of the first temple in Jerusalem in the 6th century BC. There are three Jewish communities in Azerbaijan – Mountain, Ashkenazi, and Georgian Jewish communities. The total number of Jews in the country is about 16,000. Of these, 11,000 are mountain Jews, about 6,000 live in Baku, 4,000 in Guba, and 1,000 in other cities. Mountain Jews now make up the majority of the entire Jewish diaspora in the country.

Spread of Christianity in Azerbaijan

Christianity penetrated the territory of Azerbaijan in the first centuries of the new era through Caucasian Albania. The first church built by Christians during this period was also built in the village of Kish. It is believed that this church was built before the first Christian church in Armenia. When the Roman Emperor Constantine lifted the ban on Christianity in 313, the Albanian ruler Urnayr declared Christianity the state religion, and from that time a new era of Christianity began in Azerbaijan territory. Since that time, churches have been built in various places in the territory of Caucasian Albania. Examples of these churches are the ancient Albanian churches now located in Sheki.

 The moments of the history of Azerbaijan related to Christianity belong not only to the pre-Islamic period but also to the fact that after Islam became the leading religion in Azerbaijan, Christians lived in these areas and closely participated in the formation of our common culture. The demise of Christianity began with the fall of the Arab Empire to Caucasian Albania and its complete occupation of these territories. Since that time, various activities have been carried out in the country to spread Islam and make people accept it as the main religion.

Spread of Islam religion in Azerbaijan

The beginning of the spread of Islam in the territory of Azerbaijan is considered to be 639 AD.

At that time, the Arab Empire was already conquering many cities of Azerbaijan and spreading the need for the adoption of Islam to the representatives of different peoples living in the territories they conquered. The spread of Islam was carried out peacefully in some areas and by force in some places. In the conquered territories, people were offered to convert to Islam, and those who accepted were not affected, and a special tax was imposed on those who did not. With the fall of the Albanian state in 705 AD and the loss of independence of the Albanian Church, the spread of Islam began to accelerate.

After this period, various states were formed in the territory of Azerbaijan, and Islam was adopted as the main religion in all countries, and as a result, the people living in the country adopted Islam as the main religion. Today, Islam is still the country’s main religion, with about 99% of the country’s population.

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